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The 1000++ Artworks of topic Scenes and containing the word winslow homer, watercolour, scenes, 1900

Fernand Leger - The Great ParadeThe Great ParadeFernand Leger

Fernand Léger’s use of streamlined forms derived from mechanical imagery dates from World War I, when he served in the French army. His predilection for military hardware and its gleaming surfaces coincided with his feelings of solidarity with the foot soldiers surrounding him in the trenches. The m...

Musee National Fernand Leger (France)
William Blake - Elohim erschuf AdamElohim erschuf AdamWilliam Blake

Elohim erschuf Adam is a watercolour painting by the English poet and painter William Blake. It is painted in 1795. The painting (420 x 535 mm) is now in the collection of the Tate Gallery, London.
